General Organization

Only the libraries that are considered to be "standard" are documented:

  • aanl.lib
  • analyzers.lib
  • basics.lib
  • compressors.lib
  • delays.lib
  • demos.lib
  • dx7.lib
  • envelopes.lib
  • fds.lib
  • filters.lib
  • hoa.lib
  • interpolators.lib
  • linearalgebra.lib
  • maths.lib
  • mi.lib
  • misceffects.lib
  • oscillators.lib
  • noises.lib
  • phaflangers.lib
  • physmodels.lib
  • reducemaps.lib
  • reverbs.lib
  • routes.lib
  • signals.lib
  • soundfiles.lib
  • spats.lib
  • synths.lib
  • tonestacks.lib (not documented but example in /examples/misc)
  • tubes.lib (not documented but example in /examples/misc)
  • vaeffects.lib
  • version.lib
  • wdmodels.lib
  • webaudio.lib

Other deprecated libraries such as music.lib, etc. are present but are not documented to not confuse new users.

The documentation of each library can be found in /documentation/library.html or in /documentation/library.pdf.


A global version number for the standard libraries is defined in version.lib. It follows the semantic versioning structure: MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH. The MAJOR number is increased when we make incompatible changes. The MINOR number is increased when we add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and the PATCH number when we make backwards compatible bug fixes. By looking at the generated code or the diagram of process = vl.version; one can see the current version of the libraries.


The Faust distribution /examples directory contains a lot of DSP examples. They are organized by types in different folders. The /examples/old folder contains examples that are fully deprecated, probably because they were integrated to the libraries and fully rewritten (see freeverb.dsp for example).

Examples using deprecated libraries were integrated to the general tree, but a warning comment was added at their beginning to point readers to the right library and function.