
Filters library. Its official prefix is fi.

The Filters library is organized into 23 sections:


Basic Filters


One zero filter. Difference equation: .


_ : zero(z) : _


  • z: location of zero along real axis in z-plane



One pole filter. Could also be called a "leaky integrator". Difference equation: .


_ : pole(p) : _


  • p: pole location = feedback coefficient



Same as pole(1) [implemented separately for block-diagram clarity].


DC blocker with configurable "break frequency". The amplitude response is substantially flat above fb, and sloped at about +6 dB/octave below fb. Derived from the analog transfer function: (which can be seen as a 1st-order Butterworth highpass filter) by the low-frequency-matching bilinear transform method (i.e., using the typical frequency-scaling constant 2*SR).


_ : dcblockerat(fb) : _


  • fb: "break frequency" in Hz, i.e., -3 dB gain frequency (see 2nd reference below)



DC blocker. Default dc blocker has -3dB point near 35 Hz (at 44.1 kHz) and high-frequency gain near 1.0025 (due to no scaling). dcblocker is as standard Faust function.


_ : dcblocker : _


One-pole lowpass filter with arbitrary dis/charging factors set in dB and times set in seconds.


_ : lptN(N, tN) : _


  • N: is the attenuation factor in dB
  • tN: is the filter period in seconds, that is, the time for the impulse response to decay by N dB


Comb Filters


Feed-Forward Comb Filter. Note that ff_comb requires integer delays (uses delay internally). ff_comb is a standard Faust function.


_ : ff_comb(maxdel,intdel,b0,bM) : _


  • maxdel: maximum delay (a power of 2)
  • intdel: current (integer) comb-filter delay between 0 and maxdel
  • del: current (float) comb-filter delay between 0 and maxdel
  • b0: gain applied to delay-line input
  • bM: gain applied to delay-line output and then summed with input



Feed-Forward Comb Filter. Note that ff_fcomb takes floating-point delays (uses fdelay internally). ff_fcomb is a standard Faust function.


_ : ff_fcomb(maxdel,del,b0,bM) : _


  • maxdel: maximum delay (a power of 2)
  • intdel: current (integer) comb-filter delay between 0 and maxdel
  • del: current (float) comb-filter delay between 0 and maxdel
  • b0: gain applied to delay-line input
  • bM: gain applied to delay-line output and then summed with input



Typical special case of ff_comb() where: b0 = 1.


A generic feedback comb filter.


_ : fb_comb_common(dop,N,b0,aN) : _


  • dop: delay operator, e.g. @ or de.fdelay4a(2048)
  • N: current delay
  • b0: gain applied to input
  • aN: gain applied to delay-line output

Example test program

process = fb_comb_common(@,N,b0,aN);

implements the following difference equation:

y[n] = b0 x[n] + aN y[n - N]

See more examples in filters.lib below.


Feed-Back Comb Filter (integer delay).


_ : fb_comb(maxdel,intdel,b0,aN) : _


  • maxdel: maximum delay (a power of 2)
  • intdel: current (integer) comb-filter delay between 0 and maxdel
  • del: current (float) comb-filter delay between 0 and maxdel
  • b0: gain applied to delay-line input and forwarded to output
  • aN: minus the gain applied to delay-line output before summing with the input and feeding to the delay line



Feed-Back Comb Filter (floating point delay).


_ : fb_fcomb(maxdel,del,b0,aN) : _


  • maxdel: maximum delay (a power of 2)
  • intdel: current (integer) comb-filter delay between 0 and maxdel
  • del: current (float) comb-filter delay between 0 and maxdel
  • b0: gain applied to delay-line input and forwarded to output
  • aN: minus the gain applied to delay-line output before summing with the input and feeding to the delay line



Special case of fb_comb (rev1(maxdel,N,g)). The "rev1 section" dates back to the 1960s in computer-music reverberation. See the jcrev and brassrev in reverbs.lib for usage examples.

(fi.)fbcombfilter and (fi.)ffbcombfilter

Other special cases of Feed-Back Comb Filter.


_ : fbcombfilter(maxdel,intdel,g) : _
_ : ffbcombfilter(maxdel,del,g) : _


  • maxdel: maximum delay (a power of 2)
  • intdel: current (integer) comb-filter delay between 0 and maxdel
  • del: current (float) comb-filter delay between 0 and maxdel
  • g: feedback gain



Schroeder Allpass Comb Filter. Note that:

allpass_comb(maxlen,len,aN) = ff_comb(maxlen,len,aN,1) : fb_comb(maxlen,len-1,1,aN);

which is a direct-form-1 implementation, requiring two delay lines. The implementation here is direct-form-2 requiring only one delay line.


_ : allpass_comb(maxdel,intdel,aN) : _


  • maxdel: maximum delay (a power of 2)
  • intdel: current (integer) comb-filter delay between 0 and maxdel
  • del: current (float) comb-filter delay between 0 and maxdel
  • aN: minus the feedback gain



Schroeder Allpass Comb Filter. Note that:

allpass_comb(maxlen,len,aN) = ff_comb(maxlen,len,aN,1) : fb_comb(maxlen,len-1,1,aN);

which is a direct-form-1 implementation, requiring two delay lines. The implementation here is direct-form-2 requiring only one delay line.

allpass_fcomb is a standard Faust library.


_ : allpass_comb(maxdel,intdel,aN) : _
_ : allpass_fcomb(maxdel,del,aN) : _


  • maxdel: maximum delay (a power of 2)
  • intdel: current (float) comb-filter delay between 0 and maxdel
  • del: current (float) comb-filter delay between 0 and maxdel
  • aN: minus the feedback gain



Special case of allpass_comb (rev2(maxlen,len,g)). The "rev2 section" dates back to the 1960s in computer-music reverberation. See the jcrev and brassrev in reverbs.lib for usage examples.

(fi.)allpass_fcomb5 and (fi.)allpass_fcomb1a

Same as allpass_fcomb but use fdelay5 and fdelay1a internally (Interpolation helps - look at an fft of faust2octave on

`1-1' <: allpass_fcomb(1024,10.5,0.95), allpass_fcomb5(1024,10.5,0.95);`).

Direct-Form Digital Filter Sections


Nth-order Infinite-Impulse-Response (IIR) digital filter, implemented in terms of the Transfer-Function (TF) coefficients. Such filter structures are termed "direct form".

iir is a standard Faust function.


_ : iir(bcoeffs,acoeffs) : _


  • bcoeffs: (b0,b1,...,b_order) = TF numerator coefficients
  • acoeffs: (a1,...,a_order) = TF denominator coeffs (a0=1)



FIR filter (convolution of FIR filter coefficients with a signal). fir is standard Faust function.


_ : fir(bv) : _


  • bv = b0,b1,...,bn is a parallel bank of coefficient signals.


bv is processed using pattern-matching at compile time, so it must have this normal form (parallel signals).

Example test program

Smoothing white noise with a five-point moving average:

bv = .2,.2,.2,.2,.2;
process = noise : fir(bv);

Equivalent (note double parens):

process = noise : fir((.2,.2,.2,.2,.2));

(fi.)conv and (fi.)convN

Convolution of input signal with given coefficients.


_ : conv((k1,k2,k3,...,kN)) : _ // Argument = one signal bank
_ : convN(N,(k1,k2,k3,...)) : _ // Useful when N < count((k1,...))

(fi.)tf1, (fi.)tf2 and (fi.)tf3

tfN = N'th-order direct-form digital filter.


_ : tf1(b0,b1,a1) : _
_ : tf2(b0,b1,b2,a1,a2) : _
_ : tf3(b0,b1,b2,b3,a1,a2,a3) : _


  • b: transfer-function numerator
  • a: transfer-function denominator (monic)



Simple notch filter based on a biquad (tf2). notchw is a standard Faust function.


_ : notchw(width,freq) : _


  • width: "notch width" in Hz (approximate)
  • freq: "notch frequency" in Hz


Direct-Form Second-Order Biquad Sections

Direct-Form Second-Order Biquad Sections


(fi.)tf21, (fi.)tf22, (fi.)tf22t and (fi.)tf21t

tfN = N'th-order direct-form digital filter where:

  • tf21 is tf2, direct-form 1
  • tf22 is tf2, direct-form 2
  • tf22t is tf2, direct-form 2 transposed
  • tf21t is tf2, direct-form 1 transposed


_ : tf21(b0,b1,b2,a1,a2) : _
_ : tf22(b0,b1,b2,a1,a2) : _
_ : tf22t(b0,b1,b2,a1,a2) : _
_ : tf21t(b0,b1,b2,a1,a2) : _


  • b: transfer-function numerator
  • a: transfer-function denominator (monic)


Ladder/Lattice Digital Filters

Ladder and lattice digital filters generally have superior numerical properties relative to direct-form digital filters. They can be derived from digital waveguide filters, which gives them a physical interpretation.



Compute reflection coefficients sv from transfer-function denominator av.


sv = av2sv(av)


  • av: parallel signal bank a1,...,aN
  • sv: parallel signal bank s1,...,sN

where ro = ith reflection coefficient, and ai = coefficient of z^(-i) in the filter transfer-function denominator A(z).



Compute lattice tap coefficients from transfer-function coefficients.


nuv = bvav2nuv(bv,av)


  • av: parallel signal bank a1,...,aN
  • bv: parallel signal bank b0,b1,...,aN
  • nuv: parallel signal bank nu1,...,nuN

where nui is the i'th tap coefficient, bi is the coefficient of z^(-i) in the filter numerator, ai is the coefficient of z^(-i) in the filter denominator


Two-multiply lattice IIR filter of arbitrary order.


_ : iir_lat2(bv,av) : _


  • bv: transfer-function numerator
  • av: transfer-function denominator (monic)


Two-multiply lattice allpass (nested order-1 direct-form-ii allpasses), with taps.


_ : allpassnt(n,sv) : si.bus(n+1)


  • n: the order of the filter
  • sv: the reflection coefficients (-1 1)

The first output is the n-th order allpass output, while the remaining outputs are taps taken from the input of each delay element from the input to the output. See (fi.)allpassn for the single-output case.


Kelly-Lochbaum ladder IIR filter of arbitrary order.


_ : iir_kl(bv,av) : _


  • bv: transfer-function numerator
  • av: transfer-function denominator (monic)


Kelly-Lochbaum ladder allpass.


_ : allpassnklt(n,sv) : _


  • n: the order of the filter
  • sv: the reflection coefficients (-1 1)


One-multiply lattice IIR filter of arbitrary order.


_ : iir_lat1(bv,av) : _


  • bv: transfer-function numerator as a bank of parallel signals
  • av: transfer-function denominator as a bank of parallel signals


One-multiply lattice allpass with tap lines.


_ : allpassn1mt(N,sv) : _


  • N: the order of the filter (fixed at compile time)
  • sv: the reflection coefficients (-1 1)


Normalized ladder filter of arbitrary order.


_ : iir_nl(bv,av) : _


  • bv: transfer-function numerator
  • av: transfer-function denominator (monic)



Normalized ladder allpass filter of arbitrary order.


_ : allpassnnlt(N,sv) : _


  • N: the order of the filter (fixed at compile time)
  • sv: the reflection coefficients (-1,1)


Useful Special Cases


Biquad based on a stable second-order Normalized Ladder Filter (more robust to modulation than tf2 and protected against instability).


_ : tf2np(b0,b1,b2,a1,a2) : _


  • b: transfer-function numerator
  • a: transfer-function denominator (monic)


Second-order transformer-normalized digital waveguide resonator.


_ : wgr(f,r) : _


  • f: resonance frequency (Hz)
  • r: loss factor for exponential decay (set to 1 to make a numerically stable oscillator)



Second order normalized digital waveguide resonator.


_ : nlf2(f,r) : _


  • f: resonance frequency (Hz)
  • r: loss factor for exponential decay (set to 1 to make a sinusoidal oscillator)



Passive Nonlinear Allpass based on Pierce switching springs idea. Switch between allpass coefficient a1 and a2 at signal zero crossings.


_ : apnl(a1,a2) : _


  • a1 and a2: allpass coefficients


  • "A Passive Nonlinear Digital Filter Design ..." by John R. Pierce and Scott A. Van Duyne, JASA, vol. 101, no. 2, pp. 1120-1126, 1997

Ladder/Lattice Allpass Filters

An allpass filter has gain 1 at every frequency, but variable phase. Ladder/lattice allpass filters are specified by reflection coefficients. They are defined here as nested allpass filters, hence the names allpassn*.



N-port scattering junction.


si.bus(N) : scatN(N,av,filter) : si.bus(N)


With no filter:

  • The junction is lossless when the alpha parameters sum to 2 ("allpass").
  • The junction is passive but lossy when the alpha parameters sum to less than 2 ("resistive loss").
  • Dynamic and reactive junctions are obtained using the filter argument. For guaranteed stability, the filter should be positive real. (See 2nd ref. below).

For (two-port scattering), the reflection coefficient corresponds to alpha parameters .

Example: Whacky echo chamber made of 16 lossless "acoustic tubes":

process = _ : *(1.0/sqrt(N)) <: daisyRev(16,2,0.9999) :> _,_ with { 
  daisyRev(N,Dp2,G) = si.bus(N) : (si.bus(2*N) :> si.bus(N)
    : fi.scatN(N, par(i,N,2*G/float(N)), fi.lowpass(1,5000.0))
    : par(i,N,de.delay(DS(i),DS(i)-1))) ~ si.bus(N) with { DS(i) = 2^(Dp2+i); };



Scatter off of reflectance r with reflection coefficient s.


_ : scat(s,r) : _


  • s: reflection coefficient between -1 and 1 for stability
  • r: single-input, single-output block diagram, having gain less than 1 at all frequencies for stability.

Example: The following program should produce all zeros:

process = fi.allpassn(3,(.3,.2,.1)), fi.scat(.1, fi.scat(.2, fi.scat(.3, _)))
          :> - : ^(2) : +~_;



Two-multiply lattice filter.


_ : allpassn(n,sv) : _


  • n: the order of the filter
  • sv: the reflection coefficients (-1 1)
  • sv: the reflection coefficients (s1,s2,...,sN), each between -1 and 1.

Equivalent to fi.allpassnt(n,sv) : _, par(i,n,!); Equivalent to fi.scat( s(n), fi.scat( s(n-1), ..., fi.scat( s(1), _ ))) with { s(k) = ba.take(k,sv); } ; Identical to allpassn in old/filter.lib.



Normalized form - four multiplies and two adds per section, but coefficients can be time varying and nonlinear without "parametric amplification" (modulation of signal energy).


_ : allpassnn(n,tv) : _


  • n: the order of the filter
  • tv: the reflection coefficients (-PI PI)


Kelly-Lochbaum form - four multiplies and two adds per section, but all signals have an immediate physical interpretation as traveling pressure waves, etc.


_ : allpassnkl(n,sv) : _


  • n: the order of the filter
  • sv: the reflection coefficients (-1 1)


One-multiply form - one multiply and three adds per section. Normally the most efficient in special-purpose hardware.


_ : allpassn1m(n,sv) : _


  • n: the order of the filter
  • sv: the reflection coefficients (-1 1)

Digital Filter Sections Specified as Analog Filter Sections

(fi.)tf2s and (fi.)tf2snp

Second-order direct-form digital filter, specified by ANALOG transfer-function polynomials B(s)/A(s), and a frequency-scaling parameter. Digitization via the bilinear transform is built in.


_ : tf2s(b2,b1,b0,a1,a0,w1) : _


        b2 s^2 + b1 s + b0
H(s) = --------------------
           s^2 + a1 s + a0

and w1 is the desired digital frequency (in radians/second) corresponding to analog frequency 1 rad/sec (i.e., s = j).

Example test program

A second-order ANALOG Butterworth lowpass filter, normalized to have cutoff frequency at 1 rad/sec, has transfer function:

H(s) = -----------------
        s^2 + a1 s + 1

where a1 = sqrt(2). Therefore, a DIGITAL Butterworth lowpass cutting off at SR/4 is specified as tf2s(0,0,1,sqrt(2),1,PI*SR/2);


Bilinear transform scaled for exact mapping of w1.



First-order special case of tf2snp above.


_ : tf1snp(b1,b0,a0) : _


Analogous to tf2s above, but third order, and using the typical low-frequency-matching bilinear-transform constant 2/T ("lf" series) instead of the specific-frequency-matching value used in tf2s and tf1s. Note the lack of a "w1" argument.


_ : tf3slf(b3,b2,b1,b0,a3,a2,a1,a0) : _


First-order direct-form digital filter, specified by ANALOG transfer-function polynomials B(s)/A(s), and a frequency-scaling parameter.


_ : tf1s(b1,b0,a0,w1) : _


   b1 s + b0

H(s) = ---------- s + a0

and w1 is the desired digital frequency (in radians/second) corresponding to analog frequency 1 rad/sec (i.e., s = j).

Example test program

A first-order ANALOG Butterworth lowpass filter, normalized to have cutoff frequency at 1 rad/sec, has transfer function:


H(s) = ------- s + 1

so b0 = a0 = 1 and b1 = 0. Therefore, a DIGITAL first-order Butterworth lowpass with gain -3dB at SR/4 is specified as

tf1s(0,1,1,PI*SR/2); // digital half-band order 1 Butterworth


Bilinear transform scaled for exact mapping of w1.



Bandpass mapping of tf2s: In addition to a frequency-scaling parameter w1 (set to HALF the desired passband width in rad/sec), there is a desired center-frequency parameter wc (also in rad/s). Thus, tf2sb implements a fourth-order digital bandpass filter section specified by the coefficients of a second-order analog lowpass prototype section. Such sections can be combined in series for higher orders. The order of mappings is (1) frequency scaling (to set lowpass cutoff w1), (2) bandpass mapping to wc, then (3) the bilinear transform, with the usual scale parameter 2*SR. Algebra carried out in maxima and pasted here.


_ : tf2sb(b2,b1,b0,a1,a0,w1,wc) : _


First-to-second-order lowpass-to-bandpass section mapping, analogous to tf2sb above.


_ : tf1sb(b1,b0,a0,w1,wc) : _

Simple Resonator Filters


Simple resonant lowpass filter based on tf2s (virtual analog). resonlp is a standard Faust function.


_ : resonlp(fc,Q,gain) : _
_ : resonhp(fc,Q,gain) : _
_ : resonbp(fc,Q,gain) : _


  • fc: center frequency (Hz)
  • Q: q
  • gain: gain (0-1)


Simple resonant highpass filters based on tf2s (virtual analog). resonhp is a standard Faust function.


_ : resonlp(fc,Q,gain) : _
_ : resonhp(fc,Q,gain) : _
_ : resonbp(fc,Q,gain) : _


  • fc: center frequency (Hz)
  • Q: q
  • gain: gain (0-1)


Simple resonant bandpass filters based on tf2s (virtual analog). resonbp is a standard Faust function.


_ : resonlp(fc,Q,gain) : _
_ : resonhp(fc,Q,gain) : _
_ : resonbp(fc,Q,gain) : _


  • fc: center frequency (Hz)
  • Q: q
  • gain: gain (0-1)

Butterworth Lowpass/Highpass Filters


Nth-order Butterworth lowpass filter. lowpass is a standard Faust function.


_ : lowpass(N,fc) : _


  • N: filter order (number of poles), nonnegative constant numerical expression
  • fc: desired cut-off frequency (-3dB frequency) in Hz



Nth-order Butterworth highpass filter. highpass is a standard Faust function.


_ : highpass(N,fc) : _


  • N: filter order (number of poles), nonnegative constant numerical expression
  • fc: desired cut-off frequency (-3dB frequency) in Hz



Special Filter-Bank Delay-Equalizing Allpass Filters

These special allpass filters are needed by filterbank et al. below. They are equivalent to (lowpass(N,fc) +|- highpass(N,fc))/2, but with canceling pole-zero pairs removed (which occurs for odd N).


Catch-all definitions for generality - even order is done: Catch-all definitions for generality - even order is done: FIXME: Rewrite the following, as for orders 3 and 5 above, to eliminate pole-zero cancellations: FIXME: Rewrite the following, as for orders 3 and 5 above, to eliminate pole-zero cancellations:

Elliptic (Cauer) Lowpass Filters

Elliptic (Cauer) Lowpass Filters



Third-order Elliptic (Cauer) lowpass filter.


_ : lowpass3e(fc) : _


  • fc: -3dB frequency in Hz


For spectral band-slice level display (see octave_analyzer3e):

[z,p,g] = ncauer(Rp,Rs,3);  % analog zeros, poles, and gain, where
Rp = 60  % dB ripple in stopband
Rs = 0.2 % dB ripple in passband


Sixth-order Elliptic/Cauer lowpass filter.


_ : lowpass6e(fc) : _


  • fc: -3dB frequency in Hz


For spectral band-slice level display (see octave_analyzer6e):

[z,p,g] = ncauer(Rp,Rs,6);  % analog zeros, poles, and gain, where
 Rp = 80  % dB ripple in stopband
 Rs = 0.2 % dB ripple in passband

Elliptic Highpass Filters


Third-order Elliptic (Cauer) highpass filter. Inversion of lowpass3e wrt unit circle in s plane (s <- 1/s).


_ : highpass3e(fc) : _


  • fc: -3dB frequency in Hz


Sixth-order Elliptic/Cauer highpass filter. Inversion of lowpass3e wrt unit circle in s plane (s <- 1/s).


_ : highpass6e(fc) : _


  • fc: -3dB frequency in Hz

Butterworth Bandpass/Bandstop Filters


Order 2*Nh Butterworth bandpass filter made using the transformation s <- s + wc^2/s on lowpass(Nh), where wc is the desired bandpass center frequency. The lowpass(Nh) cutoff w1 is half the desired bandpass width. bandpass is a standard Faust function.


_ : bandpass(Nh,fl,fu) : _


  • Nh: HALF the desired bandpass order (which is therefore even)
  • fl: lower -3dB frequency in Hz
  • fu: upper -3dB frequency in Hz Thus, the passband width is fu-fl, and its center frequency is (fl+fu)/2.


Order 2*Nh Butterworth bandstop filter made using the transformation s <- s + wc^2/s on highpass(Nh), where wc is the desired bandpass center frequency. The highpass(Nh) cutoff w1 is half the desired bandpass width. bandstop is a standard Faust function.


_ : bandstop(Nh,fl,fu) : _


  • Nh: HALF the desired bandstop order (which is therefore even)
  • fl: lower -3dB frequency in Hz
  • fu: upper -3dB frequency in Hz Thus, the passband (stopband) width is fu-fl, and its center frequency is (fl+fu)/2.

Elliptic Bandpass Filters


Order 12 elliptic bandpass filter analogous to bandpass(6).


Order 24 elliptic bandpass filter analogous to bandpass(6).


Positive-Pass Filter (single-side-band filter).


_ : pospass(N,fc) : _,_


  • N: filter order (Butterworth bandpass for positive frequencies).
  • fc: lower bandpass cutoff frequency in Hz.
  • Highpass cutoff frequency at ma.SR/2 - fc Hz.

Example test program

  • See dm.pospass_demo
  • Look at frequency response


A filter passing only positive frequencies can be made from a half-band lowpass by modulating it up to the positive-frequency range. Equivalently, down-modulate the input signal using a complex sinusoid at -SR/4 Hz, lowpass it with a half-band filter, and modulate back up by SR/4 Hz. In Faust/math notation:

An approximation to the Hilbert transform is given by the imaginary output signal:

hilbert(N) = pospass(N) : !,*(2);


Parametric Equalizers (Shelf, Peaking)

Parametric Equalizers (Shelf, Peaking).



First-order "low shelf" filter (gain boost|cut between dc and some frequency) low_shelf is a standard Faust function.


_ : lowshelf(N,L0,fx) : _
_ : low_shelf(L0,fx) : _ // default case (order 3)
_ : lowshelf_other_freq(N,L0,fx) : _

Where: * N: filter order 1, 3, 5, ... (odd only, default should be 3, a constant numerical expression) * L0: desired level (dB) between dc and fx (boost L0>0 or cut L0<0) * fx: -3dB frequency of lowpass band (L0>0) or upper band (L0<0) (see "SHELF SHAPE" below).

The gain at SR/2 is constrained to be 1. The generalization to arbitrary odd orders is based on the well known fact that odd-order Butterworth band-splits are allpass-complementary (see filterbank documentation below for references).

Shelf Shape

The magnitude frequency response is approximately piecewise-linear on a log-log plot ("BODE PLOT"). The Bode "stick diagram" approximation L(lf) is easy to state in dB versus dB-frequency lf = dB(f):

  • L0 > 0:
    • L(lf) = L0, f between 0 and fx = 1st corner frequency;
    • L(lf) = L0 - N * (lf - lfx), f between fx and f2 = 2nd corner frequency;
    • L(lf) = 0, lf > lf2.
    • lf2 = lfx + L0/N = dB-frequency at which level gets back to 0 dB.
  • L0 < 0:
    • L(lf) = L0, f between 0 and f1 = 1st corner frequency;
    • L(lf) = - N * (lfx - lf), f between f1 and lfx = 2nd corner frequency;
    • L(lf) = 0, lf > lfx.
    • lf1 = lfx + L0/N = dB-frequency at which level goes up from L0.

See lowshelf_other_freq.


See "Parametric Equalizers" above for references regarding low_shelf, high_shelf, and peak_eq.


First-order "high shelf" filter (gain boost|cut above some frequency). high_shelf is a standard Faust function.


_ : highshelf(N,Lpi,fx) : _
_ : high_shelf(L0,fx) : _ // default case (order 3)
_ : highshelf_other_freq(N,Lpi,fx) : _


  • N: filter order 1, 3, 5, ... (odd only, a constant numerical expression).
  • Lpi: desired level (dB) between fx and SR/2 (boost Lpi>0 or cut Lpi<0)
  • fx: -3dB frequency of highpass band (L0>0) or lower band (L0<0) (Use highshelf_other_freq() below to find the other one.)

The gain at dc is constrained to be 1. See lowshelf documentation above for more details on shelf shape.


See "Parametric Equalizers" above for references regarding low_shelf, high_shelf, and peak_eq.


Second order "peaking equalizer" section (gain boost or cut near some frequency) Also called a "parametric equalizer" section. peak_eq is a standard Faust function.


_ : peak_eq(Lfx,fx,B) : _


  • Lfx: level (dB) at fx (boost Lfx>0 or cut Lfx<0)
  • fx: peak frequency (Hz)
  • B: bandwidth (B) of peak in Hz


See "Parametric Equalizers" above for references regarding low_shelf, high_shelf, and peak_eq.


Constant-Q second order peaking equalizer section.


_ : peak_eq_cq(Lfx,fx,Q) : _


  • Lfx: level (dB) at fx
  • fx: boost or cut frequency (Hz)
  • Q: "Quality factor" = fx/B where B = bandwidth of peak in Hz


See "Parametric Equalizers" above for references regarding low_shelf, high_shelf, and peak_eq.


Regalia-Mitra second order peaking equalizer section.


_ : peak_eq_rm(Lfx,fx,tanPiBT) : _


  • Lfx: level (dB) at fx
  • fx: boost or cut frequency (Hz)
  • tanPiBT: tan(PI*B/SR), where B = -3dB bandwidth (Hz) when 10^(Lfx/20) = 0 ~ PI*B/SR for narrow bandwidths B


P.A. Regalia, S.K. Mitra, and P.P. Vaidyanathan, "The Digital All-Pass Filter: A Versatile Signal Processing Building Block" Proceedings of the IEEE, 76(1):19-37, Jan. 1988. (See pp. 29-30.) See also "Parametric Equalizers" above for references on shelf and peaking equalizers in general.


Spectral tilt filter, providing an arbitrary spectral rolloff factor alpha in (-1,1), where -1 corresponds to one pole (-6 dB per octave), and +1 corresponds to one zero (+6 dB per octave). In other words, alpha is the slope of the ln magnitude versus ln frequency. For a "pinking filter" (e.g., to generate 1/f noise from white noise), set alpha to -1/2.


_ : spectral_tilt(N,f0,bw,alpha) : _


  • N: desired integer filter order (fixed at compile time)
  • f0: lower frequency limit for desired roll-off band > 0
  • bw: bandwidth of desired roll-off band
  • alpha: slope of roll-off desired in nepers per neper, between -1 and 1 (ln mag / ln radian freq)

Example test program

See dm.spectral_tilt_demo and the documentation for no.pink_noise.


J.O. Smith and H.F. Smith, "Closed Form Fractional Integration and Differentiation via Real Exponentially Spaced Pole-Zero Pairs", publication arXiv:1606.06154 [cs.CE], June 7, 2016, *


Dynamic level lowpass filter. levelfilter is a standard Faust function.


_ : levelfilter(L,freq) : _


  • L: desired level (in dB) at Nyquist limit (SR/2), e.g., -60
  • freq: corner frequency (-3dB point) usually set to fundamental freq
  • N: Number of filters in series where L = L/N



Dynamic level lowpass filter.


_ : levelfilterN(N,freq,L) : _


  • N: Number of filters in series where L = L/N, a constant numerical expression
  • freq: corner frequency (-3dB point) usually set to fundamental freq
  • L: desired level (in dB) at Nyquist limit (SR/2), e.g., -60


Mth-Octave Filter-Banks

Mth-octave filter-banks split the input signal into a bank of parallel signals, one for each spectral band. They are related to the Mth-Octave Spectrum-Analyzers in analysis.lib. The documentation of this library contains more details about the implementation. The parameters are:

  • M: number of band-slices per octave (>1), a constant numerical expression
  • N: total number of bands (>2), a constant numerical expression
  • ftop: upper bandlimit of the Mth-octave bands (<SR/2)

In addition to the Mth-octave output signals, there is a highpass signal containing frequencies from ftop to SR/2, and a "dc band" lowpass signal containing frequencies from 0 (dc) up to the start of the Mth-octave bands. Thus, the N output signals are

highpass(ftop), MthOctaveBands(M,N-2,ftop), dcBand(ftop*2^(-M*(N-1)))

A Filter-Bank is defined here as a signal bandsplitter having the property that summing its output signals gives an allpass-filtered version of the filter-bank input signal. A more conventional term for this is an "allpass-complementary filter bank". If the allpass filter is a pure delay (and possible scaling), the filter bank is said to be a "perfect-reconstruction filter bank" (see Vaidyanathan-1993 cited below for details). A "graphic equalizer", in which band signals are scaled by gains and summed, should be based on a filter bank.

The filter-banks below are implemented as Butterworth or Elliptic spectrum-analyzers followed by delay equalizers that make them allpass-complementary.

Increasing Channel Isolation

Go to higher filter orders - see Regalia et al. or Vaidyanathan (cited below) regarding the construction of more aggressive recursive filter-banks using elliptic or Chebyshev prototype filters.


  • "Tree-structured complementary filter banks using all-pass sections", Regalia et al., IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems, CAS-34:1470-1484, Dec. 1987
  • "Multirate Systems and Filter Banks", P. Vaidyanathan, Prentice-Hall, 1993
  • Elementary filter theory:


Allpass-complementary filter banks based on Butterworth band-splitting. For Butterworth band-splits, the needed delay equalizer is easily found.


_ : mth_octave_filterbank(O,M,ftop,N) : par(i,N,_)     // Oth-order
_ : mth_octave_filterbank_alt(O,M,ftop,N) : par(i,N,_) // dc-inverted version

Also for convenience:

_ : mth_octave_filterbank3(M,ftop,N) : par(i,N,_) // 3rd-order Butterworth
_ : mth_octave_filterbank5(M,ftop,N) : par(i,N,_) // 5th-order Butterworth
mth_octave_filterbank_default = mth_octave_filterbank5;


  • O: order of filter used to split each frequency band into two, a constant numerical expression
  • M: number of band-slices per octave, a constant numerical expression
  • ftop: highest band-split crossover frequency (e.g., 20 kHz)
  • N: total number of bands (including dc and Nyquist), a constant numerical expression

Arbitrary-Crossover Filter-Banks and Spectrum Analyzers

These are similar to the Mth-octave analyzers above, except that the band-split frequencies are passed explicitly as arguments.


Filter bank. filterbank is a standard Faust function.


_ : filterbank (O,freqs) : par(i,N,_) // Butterworth band-splits


  • O: band-split filter order (odd integer required for filterbank[i], a constant numerical expression)
  • freqs: (fc1,fc2,...,fcNs) [in numerically ascending order], where Ns=N-1 is the number of octave band-splits (total number of bands N=Ns+1).

If frequencies are listed explicitly as arguments, enclose them in parens:

_ : filterbank(3,(fc1,fc2)) : _,_,_


Inverted-dc filter bank.


_ : filterbanki(O,freqs) : par(i,N,_) // Inverted-dc version


  • O: band-split filter order (odd integer required for filterbank[i], a constant numerical expression)
  • freqs: (fc1,fc2,...,fcNs) [in numerically ascending order], where Ns=N-1 is the number of octave band-splits (total number of bands N=Ns+1).

If frequencies are listed explicitly as arguments, enclose them in parens:

_ : filterbanki(3,(fc1,fc2)) : _,_,_

State Variable Filters


Solving the continuous SVF equations using trapezoidal integration


An environment with lp, bp, hp, notch, peak, ap, bell, ls, hs SVF based filters. All filters have freq and Q parameters, the bell, ls, hs ones also have a gain third parameter.


_ : svf.xx(freq, Q, [gain]) : _


  • freq: cut frequency
  • Q: quality factor
  • [gain]: gain in dB


An SVF-based filter that can smoothly morph between being lowpass, bandpass, and highpass.


_ : svf_morph(freq, Q, blend) : _


  • freq: cutoff frequency
  • Q: quality factor
  • blend: [0..2] continuous, where 0 is lowpass, 1 is bandpass, and 2 is highpass. For performance, the value is not clamped to [0..2].

Example test program

process = no.noise : svf_morph(freq, q, blend)
with {
  blend = hslider("Blend", 0, 0, 2, .01) : si.smoo;
  q = hslider("Q", 1, 0.1, 10, .01) : si.smoo;
  freq = hslider("freq", 5000, 100, 18000, 1) : si.smoo;



An SVF-based notch-filter that can smoothly morph between being lowpass, notch, and highpass.


_ : svf_notch_morph(freq, Q, blend) : _


  • freq: cutoff frequency
  • Q: quality factor
  • blend: [0..2] continuous, where 0 is lowpass, 1 is notch, and 2 is highpass. For performance, the value is not clamped to [0..2].

Example test program

process = no.noise : svf_notch_morph(freq, q, blend)
with {
  blend = hslider("Blend", 0, 0, 2, .01) : si.smoo;
  q = hslider("Q", 1, 0.1, 10, .01) : si.smoo;
  freq = hslider("freq", 5000, 100, 18000, 1) : si.smoo;



Topology-preserving transform implementation following Zavalishin's method.

Outputs: lowpass, highpass, bandpass, normalised bandpass, notch, allpass, peaking.

Each individual output can be recalled with its name in the environment as in: SVFTPT.LP2(1000.0, .707).

The 7 outputs can be recalled by using SVF name as in: SVFTPT.SVF(1000.0, .707).

Even though the implementation is different, the characteristics of this filter are comparable to those of the svf environment in this library.


_ :, Q) : _


  • xxx can be one of the following: LP2, HP2, BP2, BP2Norm, Notch2, AP2, Peaking2
  • CF: cutoff in Hz
  • Q: resonance


Adaptive smoother based on Andy Simper's paper.

This filter uses both the lowpass and bandpass outputs of a state-variable filter. The lowpass is used to smooth out the input signal, the bandpass, which is a smoothed out version of the highpass, provides information on the rate of change of the input. Hence, the bandpass signal can be used to adjust the cutoff of the filter to quickly follow the input's fast and large variations while effectively filtering out local perturbations.

This implementation does not use an approximation for the CF computation, and it deploys guards to prevent overshooting with extreme sensitivity values.


_ : dynamicSmoother(sensitivity, baseCF) : _


  • sensitivity: sensitivity to changes in the input signal. The range is, theoretically, from 0 to INF, though anything between 0.0 and 1.0 should be reasonable
  • baseCF: cutoff frequency, in Hz, when there is no variation in the input signal



The One Euro Filter (1€ Filter) is an adaptive lowpass filter. This kind of filter is commonly used in object-tracking, not necessarily audio processing.


_ : oneEuro(derivativeCutoff, beta, minCutoff) : _


  • derivativeCutoff: Used to filter the first derivative of the input. 1 Hz is a good default.
  • beta: "Speed" parameter where higher values reduce latency.
  • minCutoff: Minimum cutoff frequency in Hz. Lower values remove more jitter.


Linkwitz-Riley 4th-order 2-way, 3-way, and 4-way crossovers

The Linkwitz-Riley (LR) crossovers are designed to produce a fully-flat magnitude response when their outputs are combined. The 4th-order LR filters (LR4) have a 24dB/octave slope and they are rather popular audio crossovers used in multi-band processing.

The LR4 can be constructed by cascading two second-order Butterworth filters. For the second-order Butterworth filters, we will use the SVF filter implemented above by setting the Q-factor to 1.0 / sqrt(2.0). These will be cascaded in pairs to build the LR4 highpass and lowpass. For the phase correction, we will use the 2nd-order Butterworth allpass.


Zavalishin, Vadim. "The art of VA filter design." Native Instruments, Berlin, Germany (2012).


4th-order Linkwitz-Riley lowpass.


_ : lowpassLR4(cf) : _


  • cf is the lowpass cutoff in Hz


4th-order Linkwitz-Riley highpass.


_ : highpassLR4(cf) : _


  • cf is the highpass cutoff in Hz


Two-way 4th-order Linkwitz-Riley crossover.


_ : crossover2LR4(cf) : si.bus(2)


  • cf is the crossover split cutoff in Hz


Three-way 4th-order Linkwitz-Riley crossover.


_ : crossover3LR4(cf1, cf2) : si.bus(3)


  • cf1 is the crossover lower split cutoff in Hz
  • cf2 is the crossover upper split cutoff in Hz


Four-way 4th-order Linkwitz-Riley crossover.


_ : crossover4LR4(cf1, cf2, cf3) : si.bus(4)


  • cf1 is the crossover lower split cutoff in Hz
  • cf2 is the crossover mid split cutoff in Hz
  • cf3 is the crossover upper split cutoff in Hz


Eight-way 4th-order Linkwitz-Riley crossover.


_ : crossover8LR4(cf1, cf2, cf3, cf4, cf5, cf6, cf7) : si.bus(8)


  • cf1-cf7 are the crossover cutoff frequencies in Hz

Standardized Filters


The prefilter from Recommendation ITU-R BS.1770-4 for loudness measurement. Also known as "K-filter". The recommendation defines biquad filter coefficients for a fixed sample rate of 48kHz (page 4-5). Here, we construct biquads for arbitrary samplerates. The resulting filter is normalized, such that the magnitude at 997Hz is unity gain 1.0.

Please note, the ITU-recommendation handles the normalization in equation (2) by subtracting 0.691dB, which is not needed with itu_r_bs_1770_4_kfilter.

One option for future improvement might be, to round those filter coefficients, that are almost equal to one. Second, the maximum magnitude difference at 48kHz between the ITU-defined filter and itu_r_bs_1770_4_kfilter is 0.001dB, which obviously could be less.


_ : itu_r_bs_1770_4_kfilter : _


Averaging Functions


Moving average.


_ : avg_rect(period) : _


  • period is the averaging frame in seconds


Averaging function based on a one-pole filter and the tau response time. Tau represents the effective length of the one-pole impulse response, that is, tau is the integral of the filter's impulse response. This response is slower to reach the final value but has less ripples in non-steady signals.


_ : avg_tau(period) : _


  • period is the time, in seconds, for the system to decay by 1/e, or to reach 1-1/e of its final value.



Averaging function based on a one-pole filter and the t60 response time. This response is particularly useful when the system is required to reach the final value after about period seconds.


_ : avg_t60(period) : _


  • period is the time, in seconds, for the system to decay by 1/1000, or to reach 1-1/1000 of its final value.



Averaging function based on a one-pole filter and the t19 response time. This response is close to the moving-average algorithm as it roughly reaches the final value after period seconds and shows about the same oscillations for non-steady signals.


_ : avg_t19(period) : _


  • period is the time, in seconds, for the system to decay by 1/e^2.2, or to reach 1-1/e^2.2 of its final value.


Zölzer, U. (2008). Digital audio signal processing (Vol. 9). New York: Wiley.

Kalman Filters


The Kalman filter. It returns the state (a bus of size N). Note that the only compile-time constant arguments are N and M. Other arguments are capitalized because they're matrices, and it makes reading them much easier.


kalman(N, M, B, R, H, Q, F, reset, u, z) : si.bus(N)


  • N: State size (constant int)
  • M: Measurement size (constant int)
  • B: Control input matrix (NxM)
  • R: Measurement noise covariance matrix (MxM)
  • H: Observation matrix (MxN)
  • Q: Process noise covariance matrix (NxN)
  • F: State transition matrix (NxN)
  • reset: Reset trigger. Whenever reset>0, the internal state x and covariance matrix P are reset.
  • u: Control input (Mx1)
  • z: Measurement signal (Mx1)

Example test programs

Demo 1 (N=1, M=1) (don't listen, just use oscilloscope):

process = fi.kalman(N, M, B, R, H, Q, F, reset, u, z) : it.interpolate_linear(filteredAmt, z)
with {
   B = 1.;
   R = 0.1;
   H = 1;
   Q = .01; 
   F = la.identity(N);
   reset = button("reset");

   // Dimensions
   N = 1; // State size
   M = 1; // Measurement size

   freq = hslider("Freq", 1, 0.01, 10, .01);
   u = 0.; // constant input
   trueState = os.osc(freq)*.5 + u;
   noiseGain = hslider("Noise Gain", .1, 0, 1, .01);

   filteredAmt = hslider("Filter Amount", 1, 0, 1, .01) : si.smoo;

   measurementNoise = no.noise*noiseGain;
   z = trueState + measurementNoise; // Observed state

Demo 2 (N=2, M=1) (don't listen, just use oscilloscope)

process = fi.kalman(N, M, B, R, H, Q, F, reset, u, z)
with {
    B = par(i, N, 0);
    R = (0.1);
    H = (1, 0);
    Q = la.diag(2, par(i, N, .1));
    F = la.identity(N);
    reset = 0;
    u = si.bus(M);
    z = si.bus(M);

    // Dimensions
    N = 2; // State size
    M = 1; // Measurement size
